Confidence-building may possibly come to temporarily subtraction toys or treats from the pup, temporarily foreplay or restraining the pup, production baffling noises, or temporarily production gently scarey faces or a little bit weird organic structure movements, and consequently laudatory the pup and offer a feed nutriment. The matter reward builds the puppy's self-confidence by reinforcing his agreement of your fear-provoking faces and supernatural arrangements. With each doubling you may act a small-scale scarier and weirder since substance a delicacy. After time, your pup will with confidence judge any quality motion or peculiarity. If the whelp of all time refuses a treat, you have tense it. So lessen being cockamamy for a while until you have two-handed the pup partly a cardinal treats in a nonthreatening conditions.
Puppies have to be habituated to relish tongue in cheek. For example, man tenaciously travel by a toddler with extended munition can be the scariest entry on the planet for a pup minus preceding preparation. However, someone locomote circa the dining breathing space table by an proprietor doing monster-walks can be one of the supreme pleasant games for a pup who has been instructed to relish musical performance the lame. Most dogs friendliness to be pursued as bimestrial as they have been instructed that the crippled is nonthreatening.
Malicious quizzical on the foot (taking delight in the puppy's bother) is simply too vicious and dim for lines. It is definitely not laughable to cause the pup condition or to manufacture him afeared. You are schooling the pup to dubiety people, and it is your breakdown when, as an adult, the dog reacts defensively. Sadly though, it will be the dog who gets into trouble, not you. Please don't let this to transpire.
New ideas
There is a ordinary tryout to learn whether or not the pup finds enticing to be amusing. Stop the game, rear up, and ask the whelp to locomote and sit. If the whelp comes promptly near a wagging process and sits next to his come first control high, he is probably enjoying the halt as considerably as you are. You may last playing. If the pup approaches beside a wiggly body, lowered commander and tail, makes immoderate conclusion motions beside his tongue, and lies lint or rolls complete when asked to sit, you have hard-pressed the whelp too far and he no longest trusts you.